Monday, October 18, 2010

Why does nothing go the way it should?

Well really the way we think it should, right... This past month has been one of the most trying times in my life. Everything that could go wrong, has, and everything else just follows along. Nothing seems to work the way I think it should. Some days I feel like just giving up! Each time this happens I wonder what am I exactly giving up? With each passing day, I make it one step up the ladder only to find I'm actually two steps down.

Of course, as usual the dating scene weighs heavily on my mind. I continue to meet very sweet, attractive women yet 'that one' I'm searching for still seems to evade me. I recently had to break off a very good thing, because after serious reflection it just didn't seem right. I never imagined it would be this hard. She is a great person and it really hurt me knowing I had to hurt her. When I was younger I always thought there was some kind of magic that the returned missionaries had on young women. It just seemed like that's how it worked. Go on a mission, marry a beautiful woman... that dream has begun to fade as reality sinks it's teeth into me. Bringing two people together is not easy, yet it's still a commandment from the lord. The adversary would have us believe, it's not that important, that we don't need to get married. Well if that happens the source of our eternal happiness goes with it. No marriage = no family and no purpose for life. So what is the solution?

Where is the one? and why is she causing me so much frustration?

I've dreamed about her since I was a young boy. Hoping one day to meet this person and accomplish all we're meant to do. Yet somehow I can't bring her into my reality, no matter how much I want or try to do so.

Dating isn't the only scene that's going wrong this time. I've enrolled back in school and I thought it would be easy because I enjoy learning about the graphic arts... I was wrong! Ever since I started that program, a plethora of other problems emerged. I can't seem to stay caught up on the assignments & manage my time effectively. My work seems to demand more and more, not to mention mechanical issues with my vehicle and computer and so forth. I'm beginning to wonder... Really? nothing I do seems to fix the issues at hand or even console my frizzed out feelings. I contemplate finding a way to numb the effects of this storm I call a life, but nothing comes to mind.

I know this is what we've all learned to call LIFE... nothing ever really seems to go right and there is nothing to do except enjoy the ride. It will all work out in the end, keep on keeping on.

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