Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Love & Basketball

Love is like sports. I am not a big sports fan overall but the theories are the same. Take basketball for instance, the whole point is to put a ball into a hoop and ‘make the basket’.

How hard is it to simply make a basket? All you have to do is throw a ball in the air and have it land in a hole right?

I spent some time the other day practicing this skill and realized it’s not as easy as the pros or even college players convince us it is. There are those who possess talent and are able to swish every time with little or no effort, then there are those of us like myself who can shoot and shoot and never seem to quite hit the target. Either we’re off by a few inches and sometimes a mile. Maybe there’s not enough arc or force behind the shot. Whatever the case may be, we just can’t seem to reach our goal.

There are people out there who somehow find ‘the one’ almost without trying. It seems like a fairytale, they just meet, fall in love and the rest is history. Others date and date, searching, hoping, and praying that they can find this person. Sometimes is seems to ‘swish’ yet somehow the ball never quite makes it in.

I don’t believe in soul mates but there is something about that feeling. The feeling you get when you can’t wait to see her again or hear her voice even if it’s just to say hello. The way your heart skips a beat every time she walks through the door or the smell of her perfume on a warm summer’s night as you sit by the water and talk. The touch of her hand, the warmth of her hugs and the strength of her smile just seem to get you from the inside out. Knowing that she’ll be there for you no matter how bad you mess things up. Mostly it’s that feeling of wanting to be a better person.

For those who find what they’re looking for quickly, congratulations, for those of us who are still looking, don’t give up. 

Eventually you’ll make the basket.


  1. James,
    I like the comparison between the two. Like you said...don't give up!

    P.S. you stay up too late!

  2. Elder Saunders,

    Melvin and I have been find you and get back in touch with you! We found you on Twitter, but we don't use Twitter and could not figure out how to contact you, but we did find this page! Our email address is

    Hope you are doing well,
    Christina Alves-Avila
    (Jurupa Stake, California)
