Saturday, November 14, 2009


Life has a funny way of moving us along. There are no directions, no user manual but yet somehow we seem to manage. There are those of us who rely on the lord for direction or guidance if you will. Still, somehow we never quite know what’s coming up ahead.  Recently a couple friends of mine have decided to get married. One fairly new acquaintance and one long time Jr High friend.  I’m very happy for them both but there is still something inside of me that isn’t sitting quite right. Now there is no time table for when a person should marry or even if that is the right thing to do, however, personally I still feel empty. Not to say my life is boring by any means, it’s far from it. Work is great and I’ll be finished with BYU in April and life seems to be moving in the right direction yet something still seems to be missing.  Our life’s journey can be compared to an ocean, where there is no end in sight. We climb aboard the boat and set sail on an adventure to the vast unknown, yet sometimes we run into storms and may be washed ashore. When this happens the question becomes, what do we do next?

The air is moist and heavy
the waves splash against the shore
A vast magnificent ocean stands before me
I gaze far off into the distance

I notice something coming towards me
As it gets closer it takes the shape of a boat
I wait for a period of time but when
the moment arrives… it disappears!
I wonder, what just happened?
when I feel a tap on my shoulder
I turn around to find a long lost memory.

Do we take the time to sit and wonder all life has to offer or are we too busy running as fast as we can to get off the island and back onto the water?

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