Tuesday, February 22, 2011

At a CrossRoads- Is it Real?

So it's been awhile since I last wrote, but my life seems to be so very busy these days. There have been so many thoughts running through my mind the past few months, but one seems to remain constant.  I recently met this girl, who I didn't really notice right away. As time went on, we became good friends. She's smart, attractive & a good listener. She's full of surprising qualities...I finally realized the value in our relationship and have since been dating my good-friend. We've been through a lot of ups and downs but what relationship doesn't have those. My Crossroads lies in the future; be it near or far... I'm not a Psychic no matter how hard I try sometimes, so I really don't know where our paths are headed, however, I've enjoyed the road thus far. There are so many questions to answer, so many ideas to consider; sometimes it seems relationships are just plain complicated. It's a wonder two people ever make it work. A good friend of mine said "You seem to be a lot happier since you met her" and in reality he is right. She does have a way of making me smile, even when I just want to have a 'bad day'. So then comes the question... Is this the 'real deal'?

To be honest, I don't know.  That's what I've spent most of my time trying to figure out. Sure Hollywood has it's versions and it makes one think that in order to be 'right' it has to be a whirlwind romance type of relationship, yet I don't feel like that. In fact it feels slow and progressive. I don't feel "the can't eat, can't sleep, over the fence type of stuff" I just enjoy being with her, it just seems to make sense. Others will talk about 'Attraction' and all the physical manifestations of it. Sure I'm so-called 'attracted' but I don't feel as though I have to constantly touch to be happy. Touching is good but in fact I enjoy some space too. So what does it mean to be in the 'real thing'? If everything our society tells us about relationships isn't it? No ones perfect, physically or otherwise... well at least not yet. That's what eternal progression is for. So then how do you know? Church leaders say two 'gospel centered' people who are genuinely interested in each others well being, are selfless, & on the same path can make it work. I don't want to just 'make it work' I want it to be the best thing I've ever experienced, Life Changing. I recently read that Love means Work;  that you have to get up each day and serve the one you 'love', reaffirming your admonitions for each other. It's a gradual process. No day is perfect & there may be times where it's hard and you plain just don't feel like it, but supposedly if you have that commitment inside to persevere then 'love' will come progressively, one step at a time.

So I don't know what it is... Am I afraid of what this could be? If not, then why do I have all these excuses running though my mind... finding every fault it can to convince me otherwise. There are days I feel like I'm on top of the world & everything is great, then the next I haven't got a clue & I'm confused as ever. I used to think there was just one person for each of us in this world, but I'm beginning to see this isn't true. For once was lost can be found again.

So tell me, how does one know when 'it is real'?