Monday, February 15, 2010

A Thought about Agency

So this week in my studies I've been learning about taking time to 'listen' to the voice of the lord. Usually it comes as a still small voice, where you need to train yourself to listen for it, but I've also been thinking about agency and how that plays out in our lives. Agency is one key principle that is precious to life. Neither the lord or other individuals can control or take it away, we are the only ones that can use our agency. The choices we make every day effect it one way or another, weather it be for the good or bad.
       Now of course my mind has been caught up with the dating scene as I've met yet another good woman. This one is different in that we have almost everything in common and somehow she has managed to occupy my mind. You can say this is normal for a guy to begin to think about his so-called 'love' interest and I agree that this is a normal part of the dating process.
      Yet, we barely know each other. I have yet to meet this person in 'real life' so to speak but I guess this is how our new society prefers to have relationships, but not this old fashioned romantic guy. I don't mind meeting people this way but it seems courting via the Internet is harder to do than over the telephone or even face to face. It's hard to really get to 'know' someone this way. So how does this play into agency you ask. Well it is my opinion that in order for a relationship to 'bloom' both parties have to submit their individual agencies to the will of the collective just as we submit our agency to the lord's will. It's the only thing we really have to give someone else. Now it takes time to develop this type of relationship but it begins by showing a continued interest in the other party, as each lets the other into their individual lives. Its a game of give and take and there are times it seems hard to do.